We would like to thank and recognize Angela for all of the work she has done to make our community beautiful. She has worked without recognition, without pay, and with very little help from anyone in the community.
The time she has put in on the landscaping projects is time she took away from taking care of her own home and the things she loves to do.
Let’s not let her hard work go to waste; if you see trash or weeds in the area’s please take a moment to pick it up or pull it up.
August 13, 2021
Fountain Village Estates Newsletter
Dear HOA Members,
We, the board, would like to inform you that we will be painting the curb in front of the mailbox on 102nd in red to indicate a restricted parking zone pursuant to the regulation below. See published website below:
Clark County Code (codepublishing.com)
Under Clark County Code 10.04.040 - No parking in front of the mailboxes.
It is unlawful to park within ten (10) feet of U.S. mailboxes, except temporarily for the purposes and while engaged in the delivery or pick up of postal items. (Sec. 1 of Ord. 2019-01-04)
Please limit your time parking in front of the mailboxes to just a few minutes in order to drop-off or pick-up your items.
We want to thank you for your consideration in this matter. Keeping the area in front of the mailboxes clear of vehicles will enable our hard-working mail person to deliver our mail in a safe and timely manner.
Sheila Davies
Fountain Village Estates HOA President
August, 2020
Fountain Village Estates Newsletter
Front Yards
We would like to remind everyone that it is their responsibility to maintain their front yards. Not only is it part of the CCRS, but it helps to make this a neighborhood that we all want to live in and are proud of. We understand not wanting to water as money is extremely tight right now for many people, but please at least keep your front yard looking neat and tidy.
Failure to keep your front yards neat and orderly could result in fines that no one wants or needs.
Preventing Pest Infestation:
We have a report of rats from one of our members, so now is a good time to be reminded of our house rules on this matter: Paragraph 16 states:
a. No garbage, trash or other waste shall be kept or maintained on any part of the property except in sanitary containers. Garbage placed in garbage bags at the curb or outside the units is strictly prohibited.
b. Garbage cans and recycling bins are to be put out on the night before or morning of pick-up days only, and are to be kept out of sight at all other times.
c. Garbage cans shall be covered at all times, even in storage, to prevent infestation of rodents.
d. All homes are required to have Garbage Service.
e. Hazardous materials shall not be deposited in the garbage bins, drainage system or storm system.
Please contact the City of Vancouver Health & Sanitation Department for information on how to properly dispose of hazardous materials.
Stay Alert, Stay Safe, and Secure:
Please be careful and stay safe. An unfortunate side effect of COVID-19 is that the city and county are seeing more incidents of petty crime and suspicious behavior. We have had several reports from members about vandalism and suspicious behavior in the neighborhood. Please stay alert - keep your families, vehicles, and homes secure. Here is what we know:
Angela called the county police to ask for additional police patrols for our neighborhood. The police say it is important to report this activity as it happens, as resources are allocated based on crime analysis, patterns, and frequency.
For emergency or activity in progress, call 9-1-1. For non-emergency or stuff caught on camera/not in progress, call 3-1-1.
For anyone who does not have internet call: 360-397-6079, M-F 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
If you report online, the police say this will help them free up resources for emergency calls.
July and August Board meetings
In the last two months, the board has approved a landscaping bid. Our greenspaces were treated for weeds; new fabric was laid down and fresh mulch was applied.
We love to see all of you enjoying the common areas whether it is by just sitting and relaxing or by playing soccer etc. However, it is important than anyone using the common areas do not move the flags that are placed. They are there to identify the location of our sprinkler heads so we can ensure they are working properly and find any existing leaks.
The board is currently creating a Code of Conduct that board members will be held to. Our goal is to have the Code of Conduct completed by the September Board Meeting on, Wednesday, September 9, 2020.
Lastly, this is late, but a big shout out to all the neighbors who celebrated the Fourth of July in the neighborhoods. It looked like everyone had a fun and safe celebration. The neighborhood looked good after the night’s festivities, thank you all for the swift cleanup.
Thank you all for your continued support for our community in making it a place we all want to live and enjoy.
Your HOA Board,
Sheila Davis, Angela Schaefer, Kevin Nolan, Jessica Hersh, Katie Proudfoot
August, 2020
Fountain Village Estates Newsletter
Front Yards
We would like to remind everyone that it is their responsibility to maintain their front yards. Not only is it part of the CCRS, but it helps to make this a neighborhood that we all want to live in and are proud of. We understand not wanting to water as money is extremely tight right now for many people, but please at least keep your front yard looking neat and tidy.
Failure to keep your front yards neat and orderly could result in fines that no one wants or needs.
Preventing Pest Infestation:
We have a report of rats from one of our members, so now is a good time to be reminded of our house rules on this matter: Paragraph 16 states:
a. No garbage, trash or other waste shall be kept or maintained on any part of the property except in sanitary containers. Garbage placed in garbage bags at the curb or outside the units is strictly prohibited.
b. Garbage cans and recycling bins are to be put out on the night before or morning of pick-up days only, and are to be kept out of sight at all other times.
c. Garbage cans shall be covered at all times, even in storage, to prevent infestation of rodents.
d. All homes are required to have Garbage Service.
e. Hazardous materials shall not be deposited in the garbage bins, drainage system or storm system.
Please contact the City of Vancouver Health & Sanitation Department for information on how to properly dispose of hazardous materials.
Stay Alert, Stay Safe, and Secure:
Please be careful and stay safe. An unfortunate side effect of COVID-19 is that the city and county are seeing more incidents of petty crime and suspicious behavior. We have had several reports from members about vandalism and suspicious behavior in the neighborhood. Please stay alert - keep your families, vehicles, and homes secure. Here is what we know:
Angela called the county police to ask for additional police patrols for our neighborhood. The police say it is important to report this activity as it happens, as resources are allocated based on crime analysis, patterns, and frequency.
For emergency or activity in progress, call 9-1-1. For non-emergency or stuff caught on camera/not in progress, call 3-1-1.
For anyone who does not have internet call: 360-397-6079, M-F 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
If you report online, the police say this will help them free up resources for emergency calls.
July and August Board meetings
In the last two months, the board has approved a landscaping bid. Our greenspaces were treated for weeds; new fabric was laid down and fresh mulch was applied.
We love to see all of you enjoying the common areas whether it is by just sitting and relaxing or by playing soccer etc. However, it is important than anyone using the common areas do not move the flags that are placed. They are there to identify the location of our sprinkler heads so we can ensure they are working properly and find any existing leaks.
The board is currently creating a Code of Conduct that board members will be held to. Our goal is to have the Code of Conduct completed by the September Board Meeting on, Wednesday, September 9, 2020.
Lastly, this is late, but a big shout out to all the neighbors who celebrated the Fourth of July in the neighborhoods. It looked like everyone had a fun and safe celebration. The neighborhood looked good after the night’s festivities, thank you all for the swift cleanup.
Thank you all for your continued support for our community in making it a place we all want to live and enjoy.
Your HOA Board,
Sheila Davis, Angela Schaefer, Kevin Nolan, Jessica Hersh, Katie Proudfoot
May 17, 2020
Fountain Village Estates Newsletter
Good afternoon to all of you.
Our latest board meeting was held on Wednesday 5-13-2020 with all 5 Board Members attending via Zoom along with Scott Hess from Sterling Properties.
Most of the meeting involved discussion regarding the care of our common areas and the Architectural Review Committee.
Common Areas
1. We have contracted to have areas A (the 2 sidewalks at the 117th entrance), E, F, and G mowed and edged. The contractor will also apply weed killer to those grass areas. This should start on Tuesday May 19.
2. We continue to search for a contractor to take care of the landscaping for areas E and F by placing barrier material over the areas and mulching. We hope this will help to control or eliminate the weeds in those areas.
Architectural Review Committee
As more people express an interest in building on their properties it has become evident that our existing CCR’s would not give enough guidance to apply standards across the community in a consistent manner that upholds the mission and goals of our Home Owners Association.
Therefor we have approved guidelines for the ARC (Architectural Review Committee) to use in evaluating all requests for building on individual properties or modifying the existing structure.
A copy of these guidelines and an application for changes to your property can be obtained by contacting Sterling Properties.
At this time all applications for changes to properties will be reviewed by the HOA until an ARC committee can be formed. Anyone interested in serving on the ARC should either contact one of the board members or Sterling Properties. Once the ARC has reviewed the application and has determined that it meets or does not meet the guidelines the application will go the the HOA board for final decision. All decisions will be made at the regular monthly board meeting unless there is an emergency.
We hope that with these processes in place we will be able to maintain our community in the consistent manner we, as a community, want; not to just maintain appearances but to also maintain our home values.
Thank you
We would like to take a moment to thank the community members who have given of their time and energy to maintain our common areas throughout this process.
Buck, Angela, Anzhela Yerymesku, Sergie and Elena Kasilov, Kyle and Ashia Newton. And anyone that I have missed we offer our grateful thanks.
Thank you all for your continued support for our community in making it a place we all want to live and enjoy.
Your HOA Board of Directors - Angela Schaefer, Kevin Nolan, Jessica Ary, Katie Proudfoot, Sheila Davies
April 13, 2020
Fountain Village Newsletter
We hope you are all surviving our current “stay at home” situation and are staying healthy. We know that this is a very hard time for many of us; it is easy to get a bit of cabin fever from being cooped up. If anyone has any ideas regarding how to make the situation easier or just wants to post something to our website to lift spirits, please do. Lets come together to get through this time.
Our last board meeting was on April 8, 2020 and we were thrilled to welcome 2 new board members. Jessica Ary is new to the board and Katie Proudfoot has returned. A huge welcome to both of you!
At our last annual meeting on 3-18-2020 5 measures were presented and voted on by the
community. Due to the Corona Virus this meeting was held via video conference and was very
successful with 19 members of our community participating. We would like to thank everyone
who attended the meeting.
We were able to discuss and vote on 5 measures which are listed below.
1. Finalized House Rules for Fountain Village Estates HOA
a. Passed
2. 2020 Budget for Fountain Village Estates
a. Passed
3. Gifting Track G to Clark County
a. Passed
4 Approval of HOA Board for the next year
a. Passed
5. Expansion of the Board from 3 members to 5 members with the addition of Jessica Ary
and Katie Proudfoot.
a. Passed
COVID-19 and our HOA:
We know this is a difficult time for everybody. Per the Governor’s order for Covid 19 we will be
waiving all late fees and interest starting with March and continuing until the Governor’s order
is rescinded. However, the monthly HOA fee of $55.00 dollars will not be waived.
If this presents a financial hardship to anyone please contact Sterling Properties to discuss partial payments. You would still be required to pay the full amount, but would be able to spread it out over time if needed.
Getting Ready for Spring
Sterling Properties continues to research Landscaping/Maintenance companies for us. In the mean time we will continue to maintain areas E and F.
We would like to recognize Angela Schaefer for her dedication to maintaining and improving our open areas. She has spent a lot of her own time planting, moving, weeding, and mowing. Also thank you to Kyle and Ashia Newton as well as Sergey and Alena Kasilov for volunteering to help weed the beds between Area F and NE 102 Ct. It is much appreciated. We have had some successful community days in the past, and hopefully will be able to have more in the future once Covid is gone.
Most recently we approved money to apply moss out to Areas E and F; Angela has purchased and applied this.
Review of charges from Blue Mountain
Sterling Properties has identified several charges from Blue Mountain that are likely inappropriate and is in the process of identifying the charges in order to take it back to Blue Mountain for re-imbursement.
We have currently identified 3 properties as rentals.
Area G:
This one will take time. Our community has approved the offer of gifting area G to the county and Angela has presented it to the County Parks and Recreation Board. Unfortunately due to Covid 19 it may be awhile before we can move forward. Angela will continue to keep in communication with the County Parks and Recreation Board. We will update you as we know more.
Thank you all for your participation. It does take a village (ok, you may now laugh or groan) to manage our community.
Your Board of Directors
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